Thursday, January 14, 2010


For purely personal reasons, we decided to put Hale Hoku Mele on the market. With young family still living on the mainland and in Canada, we were not able to spend enough time there to warrant the annual maintenance that a property like this deserves. This was a difficult decision...but the right one. Some people have commented that we found life for "haoles" too difficult. Nothing could be further from the truth...of all the things we will miss about Hawai'i, we will miss the warm, friendly, and giving culture of aloha the most. To be honest, the amount of rain was probably the biggest surprise to us...but usually all you have to do is drive 15-30 minutes to find some sunshine. Our realtor was great, and if any of you is looking for a recommendation, just post a comment. We have been asked not to advertise her firm or name on this blog.