Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Eden Roc: Raw !

This is our "street" in Eden Roc. Notice the wide lanes and numerous traffic control devices! There are power poles but no power lines...this is common in this area.

Here is the front of one of the lots. The trees are ohi'a which arrive early on the new lava but grow very slowly. These trees are sacred to Pele, the volcano goddess, so we will try to cut as few as possible as we develop a driveway and building site. The fern-like groundcover is uluhe which grows in dense mats and make it impossible to see what lies beneath.

In order to get under the uluhe, we bought a gasoline-powered brushsaw which worked pretty well once you got the feel of it. Soon we could begin to see the ground, and started in toward the area we had tentatively chosen as the house site. Here you can see the first fifteen feet or so of what was to become an S-shaped driveway.

This photo will give you a better idea of the results after brushcutting. The uluhe almost collapses and can be tramped down. Then you can get a better lay of the land and expose hidden holes, lava dikes, or downed trees.

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