Friday, September 28, 2007


This is what I mean by "bigger machinery! This is a D-9 Caterpillar tractor...50 tons of unfettered power. To "rip" the site, the operator uses a 3-foot-long claw to tear up the lava bed. As he goes back and forth, the weight of the tractor crushes the large blocks and consolidates the base.

Because our site had high and low spots, we did a "cut-and-fill" operation to level the house pad.

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This is Katie surveying the finished job which took about five hours of dozer $600/hour, you can do the math!

This is a huge step in our building process. We now have a useable site on which we can start construction. We are very happy with the results...and can imagine sitting on the lanai with our gin and POG (passion fruit/orange/guava juice) in hand. The next step will be to layout the house corners, water catchment tank, and cesspool locations.

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