Friday, October 12, 2007

End of Week Two

This is the end of Week Two and we've made great progress! The weather has been ideal: bright sun and cool breezes by day, a few showers by night. Today we passed our first building inspection which clears the way to pour the foundation next week.

This, again, is the overview of the site. The RV is in the background, and we will do a special post on what it's like living on-site and some of the systems we are experimenting with to make life easier. All the forms have been set and levelled.

This is Marlon, our contractor and his nephew/assistant, Ivan. Marlon has been absolutely superb...very conscientious and meticulous, always smiling, stick-handling his way through a maze of permits, sub-contractors, and Big Island politics. You just couldn't ask for better! He has been working with us since February when he was recommended by another home-builder in the area...much of the time when we were 5,000 miles distant.

Here Marlon and Ivan are digging the trench for the sewer pipe from the house to the cesspool. The small tractor has a variety of attachments: backhoe, rock hammer, forklift, blade, bucket, auger...truly a rig for all occasions on the building site.

This is a spray application for termite control under all the footings that is required by the building code. This was the last step before the inspection could be done.

Next week the lumber arrives and the concrete for the foundation will be poured. See you then!

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