Monday, October 29, 2007

Windows and Doors

Today was a special day. Not only did we start putting on the siding...we also installed most of the windows and doors!

In this photo the crew has applied the Tyvek house wrap (a breathable moisture and wind barrier) and is nailing the T1-11 siding on. We used 4' x 9' sheets on the sheer walls and 4' x 8' sheets on the second floor. The kitchen window is just visible.

Marlon is using his loader to lift the heavier windows and doors up to the second level. This is one of the large windows for the living room.

This is a lot easier than trying to lift them up using ladders and brute strength... a lot safer, too.

This is a view of the south-facing wall with a six-foot-wide sliding door on the left and a 4' x 5' horizontal sliding window on the right.

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Anonymous said...

Great Blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's really starting to look comfortable. (I can already see a book in one hand and a drink in the other) :-)
Love you,