Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Pumping Concrete

Today, the concrete for the foundation was delivered. Our builder had hired a concrete pump and crew to make it easier to get the heavy stuff to the formwork.

Here the fellows are spreading concrete in the pad for the laundry room floor.

This well-muscled man is trowelling the surface for a smoother surface.

Here's Joe and the crew after a job well done!

We had some concrete left over, and rather than dump it, Joe suggested some steps and a walkway down into the lower garden area. Sure! Why not?

These guys are artists! This fellow is making imprints of a native hapu'u tree fern leaf in the concrete (the leaf had broken off during the ripping phase).

Here is the final product! This has really worked out well and it was "free." Now all we need is some hard labor cutting back the uluhe and planting some fruits and flowers.

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1 comment:

Itinerant Ramblings said...

Hi Katie and David!
I love your blog, and I hope the end of the construction doesn't come too soon, I am really enjoying following your progress. When the house is done make sure to take pictures of the rooms! Ttfn, Rachael