Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Pukas and Mud !

It's been a difficult week. We've had a lot of rain and our newly ripped house site has been transformed into a black mudhole. We've been told that we should be grateful we have so much "soil" because it will make grading and landscaping much easier!
We have also been digging the hole (puka) for the cesspool...11' deep and 6' around through solid lava. This is laborious work even with a backhoe equipped with a rock hammer and bucket.

As you can see from the spoil pile, the deeper the hole gets, the smaller the pieces of rock become. Ultimately, a helper rides the bucket into the hole and handfills it with broken rock.

Here Katie, in her new rubber boots, discusses the merits of cesspools vs. septic tanks with the backhoe operator Matt and his assistant.

While all of this has been going on, we were informed by Pasha Hawaii (our shippers) that our car had arrived in Hilo...but our RV had been mistakenly consigned to Honolulu! They said they would barge it back to Hilo (at no extra cost, mind you), but not having it will delay our moving to the site...and will extend our stay in rental accommodations...and will delay being able to move materials onto the site.

At the same time, we have been wrangling with our electrician, Ross, about the merits of a temporary wooden pole vs. a "permanent temporary" pole of 4-inch galvanized steel. The latter is a lot more expensive and requires a concrete foundation but eliminates the need for the electric company (HELCO) to return to make the final connection to the house.

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